
LawyerHayashi Atsushi
Bar Membership
Osaka Bar Association
Japan Federation of Bar Associations
Professional Positions
Kyoto University Law School, Professor (2010-2015)
Main Areas of Practice
Civil Disputes between Individuals; Domestic Relation Case; Personal Status Litigation
Main Publication
Derivative Action and Corporate Governance (Jiyu-to-Seigi, 07/1998)
Purchase and Assumption under the FDIC protection (Saiken Kanri, Spring 2002)
Overview of the Derivative Action against Kobe Steel Co. (Kigyo-kaikei, 2002)
Chife Judge of the Takamatsu High Court(2008-2010)
The President of the Osaka Family Court(2007-2008)
The President of the Kobe District Court(2004-2007)
Judge of the Osaka High Court, Division Manager(2002-2004)
The President of the Wakayama Family Court(2001-2002)
Judge of the Osaka District Court, Division Manager(1995-2000)
Judge of the Tokyo District Court(1984-1995)
Judge of the Osaka Family Court(1980-1984)
Assistant Judge of the Nara District Court(1970-1980)
The Legal Training and Research Institute of Japan (Diploma, 1970)
Kyoto University, Faculty of Law (LL.B, ○○)